About Our Team
Heroes comprises a team of super-talented and skilled professionals who have joined forces to create a company that provides a comprehensive array of solutions for homeowners throughout the Bay Area.
Our experts have the extensive experience in their respective fields to creatively solve any issue. Our design team will help you draw up the home renovation of your dreams with ease and precision.

Heroes For All Your Needs
Our Demolition Heroes will handle all preparations for your next project, from demolition to cleanup and everything in between. Our Electric Heroes will guarantee your safety, security and aesthetic comfort with amazing customized work.
Our Handy Heroes will quickly solve any problem, big or small. Our Remodeling Heroes will bring your dream to life in a timely and professional manner.
Serving The Entire Bay Area
Though we are headquartered in Contra Costa County, Remodeling Heroes offers service to customers throughout the entire Bay Area.
Our goal is to reach every customer who is looking for a trustworthy and professional company for a long-lasting relationship. We want to make sure that for any project you need in your home, you know you can count on us. Call Heroes today to learn more about what we can do for you!